This is the sequel to Shiori Ayase, a beautiful older sister who has a sexy tanned skin and a super style. - First of all, after playing a lot on the beach, I rubbed my boyfriend's crotch who came to me on a sandy beach with plenty of openness. - Shiori-chan is really lascivious when she starts licking the glans with her nasty tongue, even though she says, "In a place like this?" - H acts in a place where you can't usually do it will excite you more than necessary. - Ah, the blue sky and sea that spread out in front of me, and Shiori-chan with her lewd eyes and tongue. - This strongest package further enhances the feeling of muramura, and the expectations for the next stage are maximized! - In the latter half of the production, you can enjoy plenty of Shiori's more erotic appearance. - As the summer heat lingers, how about having some liberating sex with Shiori Ayase to end this summer? More..