How far will you go if you are deliberately lured into a multi-level marketing scheme and negotiate for sex in return? - As I was standing in front of a certain station where I had heard rumors that there were a lot of people soliciting people to check it out... it came right away! - It all starts with someone asking for directions! - When I asked him about it at a nearby cafe, he complimented me so much that I almost forgot to check it out and signed a contract... lol I came back to my senses and immediately proposed sex using the contract as a shield! - On the other hand, if you kill the praise, it's OK to be a trimmer! - When I make her walk around the city at night with her pants fixed in place, she's super sensitive and starts to convulse, breathing heavily and can't even begin to walk until she cries out loud and cums on the spot! - I met a sensitive and perverted person, so I quickly moved to the hotel. - When I massage her breasts and pinch her nipples while talking about Maruti, her body trembles and she squeals in a nice voice. - She's quite a masochist. - She had already forgotten about the contract and was immersed in pleasure, and when I accused her of sex, she said, ``Please, I'm at my limit...'' and reached the climax with a feeling of breaking her hips! - The saliva of excitement starts to flow from her pussy, and when I insert two fingers, she screams, "No~ Don't spread it so much~ I'm going to cum~!" - Next, I will make you pull down your pants and make me suck your cock! - When you show that you want to join, he becomes interested in giving you a blowjob and gives you a thorough blowjob, from the anus to the balls, the back of the penis, and the glans. - She is so lewd and masochistic that she masturbates without permission while giving a blowjob! - As if her lust had reached its MAX, she begged him to insert it already, so I asked her to get on top of me and make me dance in cowgirl position and make her squeal! - She lowered herself down and kept shaking her hips while repeating "It feels good" and climaxed! - If you pinch her nipples hard, that will trigger her to climax! - She says that she likes doggy style, so she makes him crawl on all fours, and she sticks out her ass, spreads her pussy, and begs for him. He thrusts into her relentlessly, making her cum, and then he cums inside her! - (This woman has a strong habit of cumming!!) I want to further awaken her super masochist side, so I move to the entrance and insert it! - When I handed over the Denma, she got tired while hitting her clitoris, and kept saying "It feels good!" while having orgasms! - As she cums, I cum a second time and fuck her! - She gets so excited that she spreads her legs wide open and seizes the opportunity to run away! - ! More..