Hey, get up! - Did you know that you were kidnapped by us? - ! - This guy is still dazed. - Take off your underwear. - You should cut it with scissors. - Even though I'm small, I'm going to have an erection on my nipples. - The pussy is also so wet. - Stir it around over there. - It's noisy! - a! - Did you leak the tide? - What are you feeling in this situation? - "It feels good..."! - ? - Do it without permission, and cum on such a guy and make him soggy! - Oratchinko in your mouth! - ! - I'll let you rest when I've sucked them all out. - Ahh? - Are you hungry? - Dog food is enough for livestock like you. - Hey, why are you looking so disgusting? - Then, after all, eat a dick! - After that, we'll all turn around. - I don't mind if you let me inside. - Because the female pigs who get sexed aren't human. - Kukukuku (Delivery provided by Dream Room: Kari Otoko II) More..