Her name is Detective Igawa, commonly known as Detective Kari (Deca). - With her proud beauty and sexy technique, she boasts the number one arrest rate in the police station. - Today, again, in order to pursue a suspect in a heinous rape case and bring a formidable opponent into a confession, Detective Kari takes off his hand. Convince a suspect with a dick! - Pheromone detective who catches raw cock firmly! - Dressed as such a detective is Yui Igawa who does not have erotic eyes! - I will make you vomit semen that wasn't a confession from your cock in front of the screen with the sex appeal of adults! - Uncensored work first appearance! - Don't miss both Karideka's brilliant brain play and obscene horny play! - (Delivery provided by Dream Room: Green Kari Bikini Man) More..