Sailor Lucifer, Honoka Shibuki, is a warrior with the strongest power among the Sailor Knights, but because of her great power, she tries to avoid interacting with people as much as possible. - Along with the other Knights, she launches a surprise attack on the enemy's hideout, but when she hesitates, thinking that she won't be able to cooperate even if she goes, Zogrega, the female enemy cadre, appears and says, "I'll make better use of that power." Why don't we become friends?" he asks. - A group of combatants attacked Honoka, who naturally refused. - However, Zogrega, who witnessed her overwhelming power that instantly kills it, falls more and more in love with Lucifer, and uses her magic to capture her, no matter what. - She is a Zogrega who uses a youkai majin to develop the inner side of Lucifer. - Lucifer desperately tries not to let out the feelings of pleasure she is suppressing, but the monsters mercilessly defile Lucifer...! - [BAD END] More..