Jun Namiki, also known as Sailor Deius, who boasts the greatest power among sailor heroines, rescues a young boy, Akira, who is targeted by monsters. - Jun begins to worry about Akira, who tickles his maternal instinct, and takes turns with her companions to keep an eye on him from monsters. - However, did Akira disappear when I took my eyes off? - ! - One of the Seven Demons of the Night Empire, Lascaux, a female cadre, surprises Sailor Dius, who transforms and fights monsters. - Lascaux puts a curse on the crotch of Sailor Dius, whose movement is blocked by monsters, using slime as a medium! - If Sailordius has a strong sexual desire even once, the clitoris will grow and grow into a male genitalia! - ! - A call from Akira to Sailor Dius, who managed to escape from Lascaux even though he was cursed? - ! - The thrill of her love becomes sexual desire and the curse is activated! - Is the male genitalia that was crazy about Sailor Dius' crotch? - ! - [BAD END] More..