Yuu Asakura, a member of Mirio Girls 2010, makes her debut in HEYZO's new series "After School Bishoujo File"! - "Yu" is an orthodox beautiful girl with white, fine-textured beautiful skin, plump thighs, and fresh beautiful breasts. - Contrary to her appearance, she is actually a dirty little schoolgirl. - Sexual training that brings such Yu to her home after school, restrains her, and gradually drowns in her pleasure vortex. - When I let her hold the rotor with her tied wrists and let her masturbate, she opens her legs as she is told and cums while writhing with stimulation! - Deep Throating with her arms tied up with a hard expression like she was frightened. - She obediently accepts the man's lust and cock. - When he is inserted while wearing her uniform, her cheeks are flushed and her vagina is tightened. - A large amount of sperm is cummed in the vagina of Yu who cums at the end! More..