Appearing in the 7th installment of HEYZO's popular series May Doll is a slightly chubby and charming Kisaki Ryo. - She uses her curly round eyes to make her look up while she wakes up her husband with a good morning alarm blow job. - After she eats her master's cock deliciously, she is comfortably straddled by her master in the state of "always no panties fishnet tights" which is the rule of this house. - In this master-servant relationship, which already has a solid trusting relationship, if the master seems to come alive, of course he will accept it with oral ejaculation, but if the master mischiefs while cleaning the room, he will immediately go into heat. The habit of doing it is hard to get rid of. - It seems that she needs to be educated more firmly, so of course the husband's raw vaginal cum shot is the finish. More..