"Miyuzu Komatsu" 19 years old. - She attends a women's college called "Lady's School" and makes flowers bloom around her with a cheerful and cheerful answer. - Showing her intellectual behavior She was a'virgin'until a month ago. - After her first experience, she is strongly conscious of men and leads her to her awakening when her curiosity about sexuality arose. - Forget her shame on her undeveloped body and take your time to enjoy her pleasure. - Carefully teach her blowjob from one to ten for her enthusiastic research enthusiast. - Surprised by her tide overflowing from her own body, she noticed her delight in being restrained and experiencing her, and enjoyed the heat of sperm filling her vagina. - She steps into the world of her pleasures, which she has cut off as "unrelated", and climbs the stairs of her adult with her many cums ... More..